Алатката за управување со твојата дозвола за користење на колачиња е привремено недостапна. Затоа, може да недостасуваат некои функционалности за кои се бара да добивање согласност за користење колачиња.
An overview of BMW vehicles with xDrive.
Concentrated xDrive power: a large number of BMW cars already have xDrive and therefore offer you the best traction and greater safety on all road surfaces. You can see here which models are equipped with the intelligent all-wheel drive system.
BMW xDRIVE MODELS.An overview of BMW vehicles with xDrive.
Concentrated xDrive power: a large number of BMW cars already have xDrive and therefore offer you the best traction and greater safety on all road surfaces. You can see here which models are equipped with the intelligent all-wheel drive system.